Tools Needed:- - Opmini4.2 - Ucweb - Bolt - Ebuddy Note:- All this Files to Be Merged Must Be In .zip for Java Users… Symbian Users no Problem! .Jar/Zip Is Supported.. - MultiMidlet EnGlish Version.jar - Image for Icon in *.png format. STEPS:- 1. Make sure all Application to me Merged are all on the Same Folder. 2. Open Multimidlet You have Downloaded. 3. Browse to the Folder, Locate Your Jar/Zip That will be Merged. 4. To Highlight You Jar/Zip, Choose:- Options- >“Add All” For Adding All the Files In the Current Folder to List. Or Choose:- Options- >“Added To List” to add a file to list One by One.. 5. Press “View List”, to See the List Of Added Files. 6. Choose Options->“Select All” to Select all the files to be Merged From the List 0r You Can select them One By One Using Your “ok” key. 7. To Start Merge, Of the Selected Files Using: Option-> Start Merge and Another Box will Pop-Up With the Following Settings==> ICON PROGRAM NAME NAME AUTHOR SAVE PATH Replace As Follows Icon:- file: ///C: /predefgallery/folder- directory/Filename.png Program:- MultiMidlet-Manage By briggs Name:- BriggsMod Author:- BRIGGS Tech Inc.(c) Save Path:- Just Leave that If You are Using Memory Card.. 8. Now “Start Merge” By Pressing Your “ok” Key and Wait till the Process Finishes.. 9. To Check if it has an error/while in Building Process, Choose:- Option->“View Result”..If Failure Check If there Is an Error In Your Settings, if Successful Exit and Goto Your File Explorer and Rename...
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