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How to Mod operamini Handler

How to Mod operamini Handler

Need applications BLUE FTP CLASS EDITOR CLASS TRANSLATOR OPERAMINI4.2HANDLER IN ZIP FORMAT. PICTURE IN PNG FORMAT. FIRST STEP. Open ur blue ftp locate the operamini.zip open it press *key to select, now press menu click on extract selected items now create a new folder and extract the items there. CHANGING THE ADDRESS BAR(www). Open ur class translator locate where you extracted items are,then open code class for (handlerui),open z class for (labs handler).scroll down you will see www change it to any word of your choice and save it. CHANGING OPERA NAME. Open your class editor locate the extracted items open META-INF inside it you will see MANIFEST.MF inside it you will see midlet name change it to ur new name note.we don't change op4.2labshandler else there will be an error. CHANING ICON (PNG). Open ur blue ftp locate ur extracted items u will see any name with png format e.g i.png delete it and go copy the picture the new one u want as the icon and paste it in the folder after that rename it to png format e.g if it is vic.jpg rename to vic.png. CHANGING CONNECTING,LOADING,PROCESSING AND INSTALLING. Open ur class editor locate [/color]* [color=blue] v[/color] [color=black] in the extracted items open it,press 9 in the text box also enter connecting and ok it,then press key 6 and 4 then press *key and key 6 to highlight the word,press key5 three times,choose text enter your new word. Note:the word should not be more than then character.u can add space if ur word is not up to ten. CHANGING WELCOMING PAGE. Open ur class editor open v in the extracted items u will see http://www.operamini.com/ help/ press *key and 6 to highlight the link.e.g http://www.operamini.com/help/ your highlighting must stop at (/) then press key5 three times and enter ur new link. Note:if the link u highlight is 30 in total by counting it word after word ur new link should not exceed or below 30. MAKING IT WORK FOR ALL NETWORK. Open your class translator locate handleuiclass in the extracted items scroll down you will see x-online host change it to HOST and save it. FINAL PACKING. Open your blue ftp,locate the extracted items,press *key to select all after that press menu and click on compress to zip,continue pressing yes until it says compression done.After that rename to _jar e.g it will in this way opera.zip rename to opera_jar.close ur blue ftp and locate the folder and rename to .jar i.e from opera_jar to opera.jar....U ARE GOOD TO GO. NOTE:all step should be taken carefully to avoid invalid application or application error.

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